CINAHL Ultimate® (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health) is the new definitive research tool for nursing and allied health professionals. In addition to the indexing and non-journal content such as Quick Lessons, Evidence-Based Care Sheets, & Continuing Education Modules, it offers more full-text access to top nursing and allied health journals and more international journal coverage than any other CINAHL database.
CINAHL Ultimate provides access to 1,815 active full-text journals and covers over 50 nursing specialties, as well as access to a host of Nursing Instructional Videos. CINAHL Ultimate instructional videos help nursing students and nurses learn about specific techniques and enhance their knowledge of procedures and best practices for care. The collection provides 138 videos covering topics including newborn and NICU care, caring for terminally ill patients, pre-and post-op care of orthopaedic patients, cultural awareness and more.
Covidence is a web-based software platform that streamlines the production of systematic/ scoping/ rapid/ literature reviews. It supports reference/citation screening, full-text review, risk of bias/quality assessment, extraction of study characteristics and outcomes, and the export of data and references. The platform interface is intuitive and can save time on repetitive review tasks, enabling faster review production and more time for analysis and interpretation.
Biomedical and pharmacological database, providing the most up-to-date information about medical and drug-related subjects. (IReL Resource)
EMBASE is a medical and pharmaceutical resource. It is an essential resource to search when writing a systematic review, scoping review, thesis, or journal article for publication. The Advanced Search function allows you to search by keywords and subject headings (called Emtree). EMBASE contains Medline content within it, so if you have already searched Medline, you can exclude that content from your results list by adding this code to the end of your search string: NOT [medline]/lim. Alternatively, you can click on the Sources filter on the results page, and click on the EMBASE portion of the venn diagram and click Apply.
UpToDate is an evidence-based clinical decision support resource at the point of care.
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