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Alert: DynaMed Plus Migration

DynaMed Plus Migration, Wednesday, 21st August 2019 
9.00am – 1.00pm

DynaMed Plus Migration

We have been advised by EBSCO that DynaMed Plus platform is changing. In addition to interface changes the platform name is now DynaMed.  EBSCO performed the migration to the new web interface on Wednesday, August 21, 2019 and the app will be updated on August 26, 2019.  The changeover will happened  in the window 9am-1pm.  At the point of changeover we ceased to have access to the existing DynaMed Plus environment. 

The publisher apologises for any inconvenience caused. 

If you have any queries please email

Next Generation

The next generation of DynaMed will provide users with more personalised features and a more user friendly interface. 

Watch a quick preview of the new product or search for ‘DynaMed’ in the European training portal to participate in a live learning session online.

Use the DynaMed Getting Started Kit to review the above information and access promotional material.