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Artificial Intelligence

A Definition

Welcome to this library guide on artificial intelligence/AI. The guide is a useful resource that will allow you to get more familiar with AI, some key concepts, impacts and approaches. Contact the library if you have any suggestions or feedback on the content. 


What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

From social media to tourism, from public service to the service industry, people are interacting with artificial intelligence every day and have been so doing so for quite some time! Virtual assistants or chatbots are an example of this. However, in more recent times we have reached the next level, Generative AI

Generative AI

Generative AI are systems and tools that can produce or generate new text, images, or other media (hence the name generative). For example, Chat GPT (by OPEN AI) was launched in November 2022 and is now a well-known AI tool of this class. It is designed for natural language understanding and generation, and can produce convincing and engaging human-like conversations based on your input. 

ChatGPT can be used to assist in understanding complex topics, as a writing assistant, and/or creating text for various purposes, including planning, and providing information. Additionally, Microsoft Copilot functions in a similar way. 


More Generative AI examples

Google Bard - Google Bard is Google’s response to ChatGPT; it's a conversational generative artificial intelligence chatbot. 

Scribe - an AI platform that makes documenting process, and creating standard operating procedures (SOPs) easy!

Deep Dream Generator - AI text to image generator.

How might AI or machine learning benefit medicine? 

Invitation to Reflect


Remember, that reflecting on the content on this guide can help you make a plan to move forward with your new knowledge as you progress through the pages. 

The reflection process can be applied to all pages on this guide as you progress through it and we encourage you to do just that. 

Some examples of reflective questions: How can you describe AI, Gen AI, and its uses? What do these tools mean for me? How can I use them effectively to enhance your work? How can I practice or use them? What does this mean for critical thinking?