Before you submit material, please view the RCSI Repository Terms. By submitting material you are agreeing to these terms and those of Figshare.
1. Log into the repository using your RCSI Network credentials by clicking ‘Log in’ at the top right of your screen.
2. Click ‘Submit Research’.
3. Select the relevant submission group from the dropdown menu.
4. Upload your file by using the drag and drop feature or navigate to your file using ‘Browse’.
5. Fill in all relevant fields. Fields with an asterisk (*) are mandatory and must be filled in before an item can be published. For information on how best to complete the fields for maximum exposure of your research, see the how-to guide here. Tips on how to fill out each of the metadata fields can be found in the description text in the field, as well as on the right side of the screen in the Tips column.
*Title: Enter the full title of your article, book, or report.
*Authors: The order in which the authors appear can be rearranged. If you cannot find an author click on ‘Not on the list? Add author details’ and complete the fields.
*Categories: Add one or more categories that correlate with your research. These categories are those from the ANZ(FoR) Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification Fields of Research system. A full list of the categories can be found here. If the category you are looking for is not listed choose a broad category and more specific information can be added in the Keyword section.
*Keywords: Enter as many keywords as you wish and press enter after each one; suggestions will be offered as you type.
*Description: If you have an abstract you can enter it in this field. Otherwise, enter a descriptive summary of your research.
Funding: Enter the name of the funding agency and grant number of your funding (if any). Add one grant per line and choose ‘+Add another grant’ if there is more than one funding source.
Reference: Here you can enter links to relevant external content that help describe the research. This field can only accept full, valid URL’s or DOI’s. Press return to enter more than one reference.
*Licence: In this field you can choose from a variety of Creative Commons licences depending on your reuse requirements. You can learn more about the different licence types here. The default licence type in the RCSI Repository is CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. If you would like to use another licence type please contact us at
Associated Research data files: If you have research datasets uploaded elsewhere, link to them using this field.
City: (Books & Reports only) Enter the city of publication.
Comments: Enter any comments you wish to add or leave blank.
Published Citation: Enter the citation in Vancouver format. If unsure, leave blank and library staff will fill this in.
Publication Date:* Enter the date of publication, if appropriate.
External DOI: Add the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) of the publication, where appropriate.
PubMed ID: Add the PubMed ID of the publication, where appropriate.
Department/Unit: Choose any RCSI Departments or Units associated with this research.
Research area: Select the Research area related to this submission or leave blank if none of the options are relevant.
Embargo required: If an embargo is required please select the length of this by entering a date. Publisher embargoes usually run from the first date of publication.
Publisher: Enter the name of the publisher, if appropriate.
Version: (Journal Contributions only) Add the version of the publication, where appropriate. Information about versions can be found here.
Additional files: If you need to add more than 1 file (e.g. if you have an article and separate files for figures) add them here using the drag and drop feature or browsing to the required file.
6. Click the ‘Submit’ button. Your item will be sent to a holding area where RCSI Library staff will review your submission and contact you if necessary. For any queries, please contact
Copyright information
In most cases, RCSI Library staff will check copyright permission of your submitted material before we add it to the repository (for journal articles we usually check the Sherpa Romeo database ( However in some cases we may need to ask the author to contact a publisher to seek this permission.
Please note that many publishers do not allow their final version to be used in institutional repositories. They usually allow use of pre-prints (this is the version of the paper pre-refereeing/pre-peer review) and/or post-prints (this is the final draft post-refereeing/post-peer review). We will, where possible, use the publisher PDF. Information about article versions can be found here.
Before you submit material, please view the RCSI Repository Terms and Copyright for Theses and Dissertations. By submitting material you are agreeing to these terms and those of Figshare.
1. Log into the repository using your RCSI Network credentials by clicking ‘Log in’ at the top right of your screen.
2. Click ‘Submit Research’.
3. Select the relevant submission group from the dropdown menu.
4. Upload your file by using the drag and drop feature or navigate to your file using ‘Browse’.
5. Fill in all relevant fields. Fields with an asterisk (*) are mandatory and must be filled in before an item can be published. For information on how best to complete the fields for maximum exposure of your research, see the how-to guide here. Tips on how to fill out each of the metadata fields can be found in the description text in the field, as well as on the right side of the screen in the Tips column.
*Title: Enter the full title of your thesis.
*Authors: Enter Author details here. If you cannot find an author click on ‘Not on the list? Add author details’ and complete the fields.
*Categories: Add one or more categories that correlate with your research. These categories are those from the ANZ(FoR) Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification Fields of Research system. A full list of the categories can be found here. If the category you are looking for is not listed choose a broad category and more specific information can be added in the Keyword section.
*Keywords: Enter as many keywords as you wish and press enter after each one; suggestions will be offered as you type.
*Description: Enter your abstract in this field
Funding: Enter the name of the funding agency and grant number of your funding (if any). Add one grant per line and choose ‘+Add another grant’ if there is more than one funding source.
Reference: Here you can enter links to relevant external content that help describe the research. This field can only accept full, valid URL’s or DOI’s. Press return to enter more than one reference.
*Licence: In this field you can choose from a variety of Creative Commons licences depending on your reuse requirements. You can learn more about the different licence types here. The default licence type in the RCSI Repository is CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
Associated Research data files: If you have research datasets uploaded elsewhere, link to them using this field.
Supervisor fields: Enter the names of your supervisors.
Comments: Please leave this field blank.
Published Citation: Enter the citation in Vancouver format. If unsure, leave blank and library staff will fill this in.
Degree name: Select your degree name from the dropdown list.
Date of award: Enter the date of award here.
Department/Unit: Please leave this field blank.
Programme: Select your programme from the drop down menu.
Research area: Select the Research area related to this submission or leave blank if none of the options are relevant.
Embargo required: If an embargo is required please select the length of this by entering a date.
Additional files: If you need to add more than 1 file (e.g. if you have an article and separate files for figures) add them here using the drag and drop feature or browsing to the required file.
6. Click the ‘Submit’ button. Your item will be sent to a holding area where RCSI Library staff will review your submission and contact you if necessary. For any queries, please contact
Before you submit material, please take a look at the RCSI Repository Terms. By submitting material you are agreeing to these terms and those of FigShare.
1.Log into the repository using your RCSI Network credentials by clicking ‘Log in’ at the top right of your screen
2. Click on ‘My Submissions’ and then ‘Create a new item’.
3. Upload your file by using the drag and drop feature or navigate to your file using ‘Browse’.
4. Fill in all relevant fields. Fields with a * are mandatory and must be filled out before an item can be published. For information on how best to complete the fields for maximum exposure of your materials, see the how-to guide here. Tips on how to fill out each of the metadata fields can be found in the description text in the field, as well as on the right side of the screen in the Tips column.
Title:* Give your research a title of at least 3 characters and that is more descriptive than just a filename
Authors:* The order in which the authors appear can be rearranged. If you cannot find an author click on ‘Not on the list? Add author details’ and fill in the fields.
Categories:* Add one or more categories that correlate with your research. These categories are those from the ANZ(FoR) Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification Fields of Research system. A full list of the categories can be found here. If you cannot find the exact category you are looking for choose a broad category and more specific information can be added in the Keyword section.
Group:* Select the relevant group, usually the primary RCSI department or unit associated with the research, from the dropdown list.
Item type:* Select the relevant item type from the dropdown list
Keywords:* Enter as many keywords as you wish and press enter after each one; suggestions will be offered as you type.
Description:* If you have one, you can enter the abstract of your research in this field. Otherwise enter a descriptive summary of your research.
Funding: Enter the name of the funding agency and grant number of your funding (if any). Add one grant per line and choose ‘+Add another grant’ if there is more than one funding source.
Reference: Here you can enter links to relevant external content that help describe the research. This field can only accept full, valid URL’s or DOI’s. Hit return to enter more than one reference.
Licence:* In this field you can choose from a variety of Creative commons licences depending on your reuse requirements. You can find out more information about the different licence types here. The default licence type in the RCSI Repository is CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Department/Unit: Choose any RCSI Departments or Units associated with this research.
Research area: Select the Research area related to this submission or leave blank if none of the options are relevant.
Embargo required: If an embargo is required please select the length of this by entering a date.
Make files confidential: By selecting this option you can upload items to the repository but not make them publicly available.
Generate private link: This will create a link to the private item for you to share before making the item public.
Reserve Digital Object Identifier: This allows you to reserve a DOI before publishing the item to share externally. This is most commonly used for sharing the reserved DOI for a dataset with a publisher as part of the article submission process. The DOI does not have to be reserved for a public item to be assigned a DOI; this is done automatically when an item is published. This feature is only for reserving a DOI for a private item.
5. Tick the Publish box then click 'Publish item'.You will be asked to agree to the following: 'By clicking Yes, publish you are making this item public, permanently available and agreeing to the terms. This content will be licenced as CC BY 3.0.'. If you agree, click 'Yes, Publish'. Your item will be sent to a holding area where RCSI Library staff will review your submission and get in contact if necessary. For any queries, please contact
Copyright information
In most cases, RCSI Library staff/repository administrators will check copyright permission of your submitted material before we add it to the repository (for journal articles we usually check the Sherpa Romeo database ( However in some cases we may need to ask the author to contact a publisher to seek this permission.
Please note that many publishers do not allow their final version to be used in institutional repositories. They usually allow use of pre-prints (this is the version of the paper pre-refereeing/pre-peer review) and/or post-prints (this is the final draft post-refereeing/post-peer review). We will, where possible, use the publisher PDF. Information about article versions can be found here.