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Online Students’ Guide to RCSI Library

On and Off-Campus Access to Electronic Resources

You must Log in/Sign in when accessing electronic resources off-campus. Your RCSI network details are your log in credentials for all our online resources. Your username is your RCSI email prefix e.g. and the same password.

If you experience issues accessing electronic resources please contact


Resource Access Issues?

If you are having difficulty accessing RCSI Library databases or other electronic resources off campus and you don’t think it’s a password-related issue, please contact us by using the Collections Query Submission Form or by emailing, providing as much of the following information as possible:

  • Type of device
  • Operating system (name and version)
  • Browser & version
  • Name and type of resource you are trying to access
  • Which specific path you are following
  • The exact error message (Include screenshots and/or URLs if possible!)
  • Do you see the Off-campus login page?
  • Is the problem limited to one specific resource or is it all electronic resources?


NOTE: help request response times will vary, especially when the library is closed.

If you are seeing an error message, try searching it in Google, along with the name of your browser and operating system name/ version.

Linking to eResources within VLE

Users of e-journals and e-books are subject to the terms of licences contracted between RCSI and publishers. Articles and chapters may be downloaded directly only by readers and only for private study or research. Providing links within a VLE to articles or books is generally permitted and it is the recommended method to ensure access for students. If in doubt, contact the library for advice.

The recommended method to link to an e-book or article we subscribe to is generally by linking to RCSI Library through the Permalink feature on our Primo VE discovery platform.

Please be mindful that this solution is only useful with resources that RCSI Library subscribes to and are included in our E-journals portal.

To do this first go to the main library webpage

On the homepage navigate down to the searchbox for books, journals, databases and all of our resources. In the searchbox type in the words associated with the resource you are looking for. For the purposes of this example we will use ‘reflective practice’ and then click the red search button.

After doing this you will be brought to the main Primo VE library discovery platform where you can see the results of your search. When you see the resource you want to link to open the result by clicking on the title and further details of the resource will display including commands to transfer details of the resource to another location. It will also display commands on how to request the resource and a description of the library’s holdings.

To obtain a permanent stable link to this record click on the Permalink feature. This will display the full permanent link to the record

You can copy and save this link anywhere you wish. For example of you are an RCSI teacher you can insert this link into the Moodle page of the relevant module like so.

Select ‘add an activity or resource’, select the URL from the options on the side menu, select add, then paste in the resource URL in the external URL box then add a title. You can add a further description if you wish and then click Save.

Once you have completed my editing of the Moodle page this link now actively links back to the record in RCSI library’s Primo VE catalogue.

Email for further information.

Frequently Asked Questions

To find more about frequently asked questions please see our Collections FAQ