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Finding Information

About Evidence Based Healthcare Practice

What is EB Healthcare? What is its purpose?

Evidence-based medicine (EBM) is a scientific approach to healthcare, where current data is applied to improve healthcare decisions and to help decide what is best for the patient.

How is this done?

The best available science or current research is combined with the healthcare professional's clinical experience and the patient's values, to arrive at the best medical decision for the patient. Investigate the below links to learn more. 


Centre for Evidence-based Medicine (University of Oxford) - EBHC tools
Cochrane Collaboration - all about Cochrane reviews and training resources
Centre for Reviews and Dissemination UK  - guidance for undertaking systematic reviews
McMaster University Library - guide to EBM resources 

Finding Syntheses and Systematic Reviews

Cochrane Library - over 6,000 reviews on the effectiveness of healthcare interventions
Campbell Library  -  education, crime and justice and social welfare
Trip Database   - searches multiple websites for reviews
PEDro Database - physiotherapy evidence based studies
NICE Evidence search - searches for evidence from a wide range of health and social care services
PROSPERO - an international database of prospectively registered systematic reviews in health and social care
INAHTA - the International Health Technology Assessments database

Finding Clinical Guidelines

National Guideline Clearinghouse - international clinical practice guidelines
NICE - guidance from the UK National Institute for Clinical Excellence
SIGN - Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network
The Guidelines International Network (G-I-N) - development of guidelines and their application into practice

Finding Primary Studies by Type

Clinical Queries at PubMed - find review and studies by diagnosis, therapy, prognosis or prediction filters 

Clinical Research

Centre for Statistics in Medicine - resources, courses and publications - from the National Institutes of Health, US 
ISRCTN Registry - search multiple registers of RCTs 
WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP) 
CONSORT - recommendations for reporting RCTs. 
National Cancer Institute - National Institutes of Health, US

LILACS - references to papers that have been published in a set of scientific and medical journals from Latin America and the Caribbean.