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Finding Information

About Databases At RCSI

Databases allow a user to access and search all the information housed in one place, and RCSI offers a high quality collection of medical databases. Explore the A-Z Resources which indexes these databases, and other clinical practice resources. You will have access to all major peer reviewed journal sources on healthcare, providing:

  • Access to journals in medicine, nursing, clinical specialties and general healthcare
  • Advanced search features to focus your search: e.g., therapies, population or setting
  • Direct links to full text journal content and options to save your searches

We also provide step-by-step guidance on each database so you can use them effectively. Explore the guidance for each database below, which includes printable material, and video tutorials.

Step by Step Guides to Key Databases

  • Click on the tabs for a guide to each database

  • Training videos on a range of databases are here
  • A full list of databases is here

The Medline database is generally recognized as the premier source for bibliographic and abstract coverage of biomedical literature. Widely used by students, researchers and clinicians, the data from the US National Library of Medicine (NLM) is available in various versions.  Medline records appear in many databases but RCSI Library offers three versions: via PubMed, Ovid and Ebsco. PubMed is the NLM version and it is globally available and free to all. Each version enables optimum searching and results but access, features and interfaces differ, as summarised below.

Medline Platform Features


  • Latest, current records
  • Complete Medline and includes extra PubMed Central content
  • Precise Medical Subject Heading indexing
  • Quick limits to filter and focus results 
  • Click to ‘related articles’ and ‘free full text’
  • Save searches; share results
  • Remembers your searches
  • Journal titles are abbreviated
  • Pre-set “Clinical Queries” for therapy and diagnostics
  • Good help & tutorials
  • Offers keyword & subject heading in one search 
  • Guided steps to select best search terms
  • Powerful ‘words adjacent’ search
  • Flexible limits to focus search results
  • Ease of capture and download
  • Save searches; share results
  • Click to RCSI journal availability
  • Offers keyword and subject heading search from start
  • Powerful ‘words adjacent’ search
  • Precise indexing
  • Click to RCSI journal availability
  • Include other healthcare databases in one search


Training videos on Medline are available below. 

The Cochrane Library is a specialist resource that provides high-quality, evidence-based information for nursing and health professions.

Globally, the Cochrane Collaboration expert groups evaluate and synthesize evidence on clinical topics and publish systematic and other reviews. The Cochrane Library contains the complete reviews and a database of clinical trial reports, and is an important tool for discovering emerging clinical evidence. A user can access a collection of handbooks that guide and support you in conducting a Cochrane Review by clicking on the link below.

Cochrane Review Guides and Handbooks. 

Video Tutorials - About Cochrane and How to Search Cochrane



Produced by the American Psychological Association, APA PsycInfo provides access to abstracts and summaries of literature in the fields of behavioural and social sciences. Refer to the PDF guide below for search tips. 

You can watch a webinar from APA publishing on searching the APA Psych Info database. 

CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health) includes almost 4 million records from more than 3000 journals in nursing, consumer health, complementary medicine and 17 allied health disciplines. Full text is available from 760 journals from 1937.

An instructional video on how to find and access CINAHL Plus with Full Text is available here.

You can view a training video on searching CINAHL Plus with Full Text below.

Embase is a Medicine and Pharmacy database.  It is an essential resource to search when you are writing a systematic review, scoping review, thesis, or journal article for publication.  The Advanced Search allows you to search for keywords and subject headings (called Emtree) that can improve search results. You can learn more about subject headings here

Embase contains Medline content within it, so if you have already searched Medline, you can exclude that content from your results list by adding this code to the end of your search string: NOT [medline]/lim.  Alternatively, you can click on the Sources filter on the results page, and click on the Embase portion of the venn diagram and click on Apply

The library provides 1:1 tutorials on searching Embase which can be booked on our Clinical Query Service Online Form here.


A training video on searching Embase is available below. 


Emerald Publishing TM

Emerald is a publisher who focus on business and management topics: You can search Emerald Insight to find content covering finance, economics, education, social care and management, including specialist areas such as operations, logistics and property.

You can also view instructional content from the vendor by clicking on the links below. 

Easy to follow Emerald Platform Video Demos 

PDF User Guide - 'How can I discover content through browse?'

ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center) is a widely used index to educational-related literature that provides more than 1.6 million texts related to all aspects of education. It is freely accessible and yes, most of the education journals that ERIC indexes are peer-reviewed. Watch the video below to learn more about ERIC - more video tutorials can be viewed the ERIC YouTube Channel, including a tutorial on Searching ERIC. 


Visit the ERIC FAQ web page for comprehensive support. 


The Ovid Logo

Global Health is specialist abstracting and indexing database focusing on public health. It contains over 3 million scientific records from 1973 to the present, derived from over 7,300 journals, reports, books and conferences. It has a growing number of full text articles (over 90,000) from journals, conferences, and reports. You can access the Ovid Learning and Training Resources page here.

There is also a training video here that goes through Basic and Advanced Searches. 


Wolter Kluwer OVID

Health Business Elite provides content on all aspects of healthcare administration and other non-clinical aspects of healthcare institution management. A user can access training resources here including printable material.

A webinar on how to search the database.

Scopus is a large multidisciplinary abstract and citation database. It also includes the full Medline database.

Web of Science is a large general index which includes all the biomedical sciences but it has an important subfile  ‘Social Sciences Index.’ This indexes journals in health services, public administration, business, economics, environment, management, education, finance, law, social policy and interdisciplinary studies.  It includes the specialist feature citation indexing to enable you to find all publications citing one research article. 

View a recorded webinar on using the database here or a step by step search guide here