Websites of Irish healthcare agencies and official bodies
It is important to identify relevant Irish agencies and search their websites individually as much of their content may not be indexed by general search engines. See the Irish Resources section of the Library Guide for further information.
MedlinePlus for ethical and legal issues
Globalethicsnet major online resource (free registration)
Bioethics resources at the NIH (National Institutes of Health, US)
Bioethics resources from the National Human Genome Research Institute
Resources from the Department of Bioethics, NIH
Search cases, legislation and legal periodicals at these sites:
Westlaw: Irish legal materials such as case reports, case digests, legal journals and unreported judgements from 1976 to present.
British and Irish Legal Information Institute (BAILLI) - British and Irish case law and legislation, EU case law, Law Commission reports and more
Irish Legal Information Initiative (IRLII)- run by UCC Law Faculty to complement its contribution to BAILLI
Lawlinks University of Kent
Other agencies
American Society for Law, Medicine and Ethics - a nonprofit educational organization
American Society for Bioethics and Humanities - an educational organization whose purpose is to promote the exchange of ideas and foster multi-disciplinary, inter-disciplinary, and inter-professional scholarship, research, teaching, policy development, professional development, and collegiality among people engaged in all of the endeavors related to clinical and academic bioethics and the health-related humanities
Bioethics Research Library, Georgetown University - the world’s largest collection of bioethics resources
Ethics Resource Center - extensive experience in the ethics and compliance industry
Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority UK - a Government regulator responsible for making sure fertility clinics and research centres comply with the law
Medical Council (UK) - protects patient safety and improve medical education and practice across the UK
Nuffield Council on Bioethics - an independent body that informs policy and public debate about the ethical questions raised by biological and medical research
Penn Department of Medical Ethics and Health Policy - one of the premier institutions of research and education in medical ethics and health policy in the world
Directory of Medical Associations - provides users with easy access to authoritative medical content
World Medical Association Medical Ethics Manual - an international organization representing physicians
Drug Information and Regulation
European Medicines Agency - to foster scientific excellence in the evaluation and supervision of medicines, for the benefit of public and animal health in the European Union (EU)
Health Products Regulatory Authority - regulates medicinal products in Ireland - from Irish Pharmaceutical Healthcare Association - online information for pharmacy professionals
NMIC - the National Medical Information Centre, St James's Hospital Dublin
Poisons Information Centre of Ireland - provides information to doctors and healthcare professionals, to assist them in the management of acute poisoning
NICE Medicines Information - UK NHS
eMC Electronic Medicines Compendium and Medicine Guides UK - a compendium (emc) that contains up to date, easily accessible information about medicines licensed for use in the UK
UKMi UK Medicines Information Group - UK NHS pharmacy service
RxList - from WebMD